2 minutes read

Wimbledon Martini Cocktail

This a strawberry and cream filled Wimbledon Martini cocktail that is perfect for sitting in the sun and watching Wimbledon unfold. Please note: We think too much as been done…..

1 minute read

Recipe: Mescal Negroni

Substituting Mescal for gin in this take on a traditional Negroni adds a smoky note to the cocktail while maintaining its simplicity. Choosing a blanca mescal, such as Del Maguey…..

0 minutes Less than a minute read

The Ultimate Negroni Recipe

Some people love it, some people hate it. But there is no doubt in anyones mind that the Negroni is a absolutely quintessential classic that deserves respect. next week see’s…..

2 minutes read

Valentines Cocktails – Sexy Sippers

So Valentines day is just around the corner, it’s a time of year when usually one of two things happen to every person in the western world. Those with a…..

1 minute read

Super Bowl Cocktails

It’s that time of year again where a certain amount of us get heavily involved in a sport we don’t even follow. Well i see it as an excuse to…..

6 minutes read

The Perfect Daiquiri

At best bet i would say that there is only a handful of real bartenders left in the world.Now what i mean by that is a bartender who understands the concepts that are involved in making a simple drink well. It’s an art form and is forgotten by many early on.

I read an article today by one of the chief drinks writers at esquire magazine, in which the guy in question as taken to having the recipe to a simple Daiquiri printed on the back to give to bartenders to get it the way he wants. All because he believes, as i do, that simple is better. so next time you are in a bar and ask for a Daiquiri and the bartender replies by asking whether or not you want that frozen or not and how much raspberry do you want in it, you have my permission to look them straight in the eye insult their mother and walk away before it becomes too much for you.

1 minute read

Classic Scotch Cocktails

Classic Scotch Cocktails- Rob Roy – First appearing in New York City around 1890, the Rob Roy is a cocktail similar to a Manhattan. The drink is named for the…..

3 minutes read

Classic Bourbon and Rye Cocktails

CLASSIC COCKTAILS USING BOURBON Old Fashioned The most famous of the classic Bourbon cocktails. Fully named this drink is an ‘old fashioned whiskey cocktail’ and the first documented use of…..